You heard your Father calling. HE's called you to HIS side.
It's in HIS mansion over there, With HIM, you now reside.
HE has a special need be done, by a very special child.
A special child, with special gifts, with spirit meek and mild.
A child that's always smiling, a smile so sweet and dear.
A child who loves his family with love that's so sincere.
A child who sings of heaven, the songs he learned in church.
A child that's not afraid to cry, when something really hurts.
A child that's fair and handsome, outside as well as in.
Considerate of others and for whom the veil is thin.
A child who knows the FATHER and has a testimony of
the truth about the savior and that he has God's love.
It's sure that you were welcomed by some who'd gone before.
That you were quickly ushered and shown what HE had in store.
It's sure that you are happy, that you can now enjoy
those things, where you were limited, done by the other boys.
You knew we'd all be sorrowed, but you also knew,
that it won't be forever before we're seeing you.
And Good-byes are always painful, and only bring us grief.
You chose to wait to greet us 'cause our parting will be brief.
And you'll be there to greet us, when we step through th veil.
And all HE's had you doing, HE'll share with us as well.
So when you heard HIM calling, you responded as you should.
You bravely made the crossing. The way GOD knew you would.
Your world's now filled with wonderous things, just like it was before.
And you are back from whence you came, before your earthly tour.
We thank the LORD and you so much for the visit that you made,
and though your time was oh so short, that with us, you chose to stay
We'll keep your memory with us, such pleasant memories.
And we will share your happiness, from those limits, now you're free
You've gone to do HIS calling. In HIS glory you will bask.
You'll do HIS calling faithfully, you'll do all that HE asks.
And That is why HE's called you, to go and serve HIM there.
And we will be contented knowing that you are in HIS care.

Grandma and Grampa Goodwin
23 October 2000

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